Wheat Dampener
三叶强力着水机是面粉厂小麦清理流程中对小麦进行水分调节的重要设备,他能稳定小麦着水量,使着水后小麦麦粒水分均匀, 改善研磨性能,增强麸皮韧性,降低麸皮和胚乳的粘结力,提高研磨和粉间筛理效率,有利于提高出粉率和粉色质量。本机具有工艺性能强、结构简单、产量高、着 水量大、着水均匀、稳定可靠、小麦增碎率低、操作、维护、保养方便、密封性能好、使用寿命长、耗能低、外形美观新颖、绝不漏水等优点。
Dampener is main equipment in the process of grain moisture conditioning. It is used to adjust the moisture and stabilize the moisture content of grain in order to improve the grinding, enhance the toughness of bran, reduce the binding force of bran and endosperm, and increase the extraction rate and flour quality.
Capacity: 6~8 t/h
Power: 1.5 kW
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